Another TC-39 Committee meeting means even more insight into where the JS programming language is heading next (ES-Next). This does send Brendan and off on a wild ride with us as passengers for all things upcoming in the language including a peek at WebIDL and a DOM implementation in JavaScript. This is quite a deep look both into the current state of the TC-39 committee as well as where the DOM is heading. Enjoy!
- Harmony of My Dreams
- Harmony is still moving forward
- There were mixed ideas about classes that have to fully gel.
- "JavaScript is so flexible ... that people can't agree on how to do classes".
- If classes aren't quite right, they may be left out.
- Andreas Gal
- dom.js
- Early reports show that dom.js might be faster in some parts than native code because you don't have to cross between JS and C++ boundaries.
- Rust
- DOM NodeList
- Airlift into Firefox Next ( in 3 months )
- "The DOM is kind of CrazyLand"
- "Implementing the DOM JavaScript should make all things saner"
- WebIDL
- Cameron McCormack
- John Resig's env.js